Event Chair Contact Information
Please fill in whichever phone numbers you'd like us to use. If you do not have a landline, leave "home phone" blank. Do NOT put a cell phone as your "home phone." Thank you!
Church groups do not pay any fees for using the building or our Zoom accounts. However, a free-will donation will be taken at all public church events. This may consist of passing a basket or having a donation box in a prominent place. Online, Zoom, or Live Streaming event participants should asked to go to our "Donation" link to donate. If the event is a fundraiser for an outside organization, then building use fees may apply. Ask office staff for more information.
If you have a Facebook event posting please add us as a co-sponsor so that your event will also show on our event schedule.
Send items to
parishnotes@concorduu.org by the 3rd Sunday for publication in our monthly magazine.
For our weekly eBulletin you can send short reminders by Wednesday at 5pm to